WTF is Tarot ​Coaching?

(and other crucial FAQs)


Here’s the deal.

As a Tarot Coach, I’m never going to predict your future, tap ​into someone else’s mind, or read “at” you. No shade ​whatsoever towards anyone else’s practice, but that’s not my ​jam at all.

My Tarot Coaching Methodology is based first and foremost ​on the science and psychology of intuitive development and ​personal transformation.

Which meeeeans, as your Tarot Coach, I teach you how to ​use the cards as a tool to access, strengthen, and harness ​your intuition (because Tarot & intuition speak the same ​language- the language of symbols and archetypes).


In a standard Tarot reading, you show up with questions, the Tarot reader gives you answers based on the cards they pull, ​and you leave. That’s it. They’re the expert, and you’re completely dependent on them and their interpretation of the cards.

Eh…I’ll pass on that, thanks.

Tarot Coaching sessions, on the other hand, are completely collaborative from beginning to end. We work together to ​develop powerful & effective Tarot Coaching questions (because believe it or not, the questions are just as important as- if ​not more important than- the answers), and then we collaborate on interpreting the cards intuitively and coming up with ​an action plan so you can implement your insights right away.

Do you still get answers? HELL yeah, my dude.

But beyond that, you walk away from every Tarot Coaching session with a stronger intuition, enhanced self trust, an ​intentional plan of action to create change, and an unshakeable sense of empowerment and support.

TL;DR- fortune tellers got nothin’ on me.


What makes me qualified to do this?

Here’s the truth- any old schmuck can call themselves a coach and/or a Tarot ​reader. So why should you trust me?

WELL, for starters, as a therapist and certified coach, I’ve spent the last 14 years ​and counting successfully helping dozens (hundreds even?) of humans create ​transformation and navigate this whirlwind we call life.

On top of that, I’ve spent the last 6+ years studying the Tarot obsessively. ​Seriously. I spent the entirety of my second Master’s program studying and ​working with the Tarot from every possible angle, developing my coaching ​methodology from the ground up while I achieved my ICF coaching ​certification. My Master’s Thesis was literally about Tarot Coaching, and my ​courses were designed as university-standard curriculum for my school.

Now, 5 years into implementing this powerhouse method with all my clients, ​I’m going even deeper as I complete my PhD. We’re just gettin’ started ​baybeeeee.

TL;DR- I’m an unfathomably huge nerd with lots of degrees, over a decade of ​experience in the world of transformation, neuroplasticity, and behavior ​change, and a [healthy] obsession with engineering a method designed to ​work like magic 🤓

Wha't’s the difference between Tarot Coaching & ​traditional Tarot?

Ooooh, I am SO glad you asked!

There are SO. MANY. THINGS. that make Tarot Coaching different from (coughBETTERTHANcough) ​traditional Tarot.

I highly recommend checking out this podcast episode I recorded to answer this exact question.

In the mean time, here’s a little bullet-point breakdown:

  • Traditional Tarot tends to be predictive (by telling your future) and prescriptive (by telling you what to do). Tarot ​Coaching is anchored in the present moment and it’s entirely focused on your intuitive development— meaning, you’ll ​be so damn in tune with yourself that you don’t need (or even want) anyone else telling you what to do.

  • Traditional Tarot is often very rigid and one-size-fits-all when interpreting the cards, and requires tons of rote ​memorization. Tarot Coaching is completely intuitive, multivalent (it honors the fact that every symbol and archetype ​has layers and layers of meaning), and phenomenological (it honors every individual experience and meaning). Fun ​fact- this is one of the main reasons why Tarot Coaching is such a powerhouse for intuitive development!

  • Traditional Tarot is typically overtly spiritual and requires specific metaphysical beliefs. Tarot Coaching is absolutely ​inclusive of spirituality, and your personal beliefs are always welcome and encouraged in sessions. However, as a ​psychological and evidence-based practice, the Tarot Coaching method doesn’t require any particular spiritual beliefs.

  • Traditional Tarot is passive— your reader slings the cards, interprets them, and sends you on your way. Tarot ​Coaching is active and dynamic— you’re completely involved in the entire process, and you end every session with a ​tailored-to-you action & integration plan.

  • Traditional Tarot is focused mainly on getting answers, which ends up creating disempowering and dependency-​inducing expert-patient dynamics. Tarot Coaching is just as much about developing powerful questions as it is aboutfinding answers (because knowing what you want to know and why is a superpower in and of itself), and it’s ​intentionally designed to foster a completely collaborative and empowering dynamic.

Above all else, Tarot Coaching is designed to have zero barriers to entry. You don’t have to be a psychic, a witch, or a ​school-obsessed supernerd for Tarot Coaching to work for you (although you totally can be 🤓). All you need is a Tarot ​deck and a little helping hand from yours truly.

Obsessed already?? I know the feeling! If you’re ready to go all in, click here & you’ll teleport straight to where the magic ​happens!